How to use spoiler tags in Discord
You know how much you despise it when you have that one friend who spoils everything for you, like when they tell you that Wumpus McWumperton passes away in the next season of Discord High?
Now we have a solution that will work for you! The use of Spoiler Tags Has Begun!
How Does It Work in Discord?
By using spoiler tags, you are able to identify specific parts of communications as spoilers in addition to marking the entire message as a spoiler. Just highlighting the words that you want to mark as a spoiler and clicking on the icon depicting an eye is the quickest way to accomplish this. This will designate that part of the message as a spoiler and remove it from view.
Please take note that the text within code blocks that has been tagged as a Spoiler will not be concealed.
After you have designated it as a spoiler, you will notice that the selected message has two bars appearing before and after it. The text of the spoiler should be formatted in a manner similar to this:
You can also manually tag spoilers by using the phrase ||Insert spoilers here|| in Markdown or entering /spoiler before your message. Both of these options are available.
I Need To See It!
If you have made up your mind and determined that you want to take a look inside Pandora’s box, you can go ahead and click on the spoiler box.
I Made A Mistake, Please Hide It From My Eyes
By changing the channel, you can re-hide any spoilers that have been disclosed, but keep in mind that once something has been viewed, it can never be undone.
Image/Video/Link Spoilers
You have the ability to label attachments as spoilers by first adding the attachment to your message and then clicking the “eye” icon (or eye-con, if you prefer) that says Mark as Spoiler immediately prior to sending your message.
By by adding the two bars to the front and rear of the link’s Address, you can designate it as a link that contains spoilers.
It has been brought to our attention that the spoiler tags cannot be used to hide Discord server invite embeds.
Bold Of You To Assume I Fear Spoilers
Those of you who are feeling bold and want to venture into the region of spoilers: You can disable the feature that allows you to tag content as containing spoilers by navigating to User Settings > Text & Images:
On click: Never mind, I want to go in the opposite direction. Please keep all spoilers hidden from view.
On servers I moderate: Due to the fact that I am the Law, I cannot afford to be slowed down by spoiler tags.
(Being a Moderator denotes that you have a role that enables you to manage messages.)
Always: As I pass through the valley of the shadow of death, I reflect on my life and come to the conclusion that there is nothing left in it that can be ruined.
At this time, the Desktop/Browser app is the only one that allows you to disable the spoiler tag feature.
Spoiler Tags On Mobile
On mobile, you can use the same syntax for marking text as spoilers as you would use on a desktop computer. If you enclose the text you want to be considered a spoiler in bars ||just like this||, it will appear that way when you publish it.
This also works for links that are embedded. Just enclosing a link in barricades will turn it into a spoiler for anyone who clicks on it.
You can designate certain passages of text as spoilers on iOS by first selecting the text in the text box, and then tapping the text itself to activate the context menu. When you have the text highlighted, you can then click the Mark as Spoiler option to enclose the highlighted text in barricades.
All images and contents credit goes to
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