
What information is inside a Discord Data Package?

A Discord Data Package is a ZIP folder containing all the data associated with your Discord account. This package includes various types of information that Discord has collected over the lifetime of your account. Here’s what you need to know: What’s Inside Discord Data Package? A Discord Data Package is a comprehensive collection of all the data…


Help! I’m old enough to use Discord in my country but I got locked out.

For legal reasons, we are bound to strictly enforce the age limit we have set for our applicants and, therefore, if you intend to appeal, we will need to request proof of your age from you. If you are more than the minimum age required in your country and have been prohibited from using the…


Accessing an Age Restricted Server FAQ – Discord

Why Is A Server Labeled As Age-Restricted? Our Community Guidelines mandate that any pornographic content that is shared on Discord must be hidden behind an access gate that requires a password. By installing an age-restricted gate, a server owner can identify a certain channel as being for users 18 and older. With the implementation of…